Ipad toon boom
Ipad toon boom

ipad toon boom

There are a few more for those interested. It only supports traditional animation but nothing wrong with that. The author kept the interface simple and I like that. Actually I kind of like it for quick sketch ups and practice work.

ipad toon boom ipad toon boom

The Moho team is stretched so thin I don’t think we will see that on an iPad anytime soon either. At that point I think you will see a lot of apps bridge between the two platforms but even then I think there will be more going from iOS to Mac’s not the other way around. Apple changed the CPU on Mac’s twice before so it’s not like they don’t know how to do it. Give Apple a few years and it won’t surprise me to see say an A15 or AXX core CPU in the Mac lineup instead of Intel. iOS is an ARM architecture where MacOS is Intel as is Windows. iOS is a very different beast from MacOS. Besides Harmony I use Moho and it would be cool to see that on an iPad and Harmony but I’m not holding my breath. They want 8/month or 72/year for the unlocked version. I have the free version on mine for the moment.

Ipad toon boom